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Ayurvedic and Nutritional Fact About Honey

 All About Honey 

  • In Ayurveda honey is known by many names such as Madhu(means perfection of sweet), Pushpa rasa, Makshika, etc.
  • According to Charak honey is considered as Nitya sevaneeya dravya (food those are advisable to consume daily)

Ayurvedic Properties of Honey 

vatalm guru sheet raktpittakaphapaham

sandhatr chedanam ruksham kashayam madhuram madhu

Vatal -Increase Vata dosha 

Guru -heavy (some acharya define light )

Sheetal-coolant(some acharya defines as hot potency)

Raktapitta kapha paham -it scrape kapha and normalize pitta ana rakta

Sandhanam-heals wound and fracture quickly

Chedanam-break up hard mass 

Ruksham -dryness 

Kashayam madhuram -astringent and sweet in taste

Ayurveda explains a special quality of  honey, which is yogvahi -catalyst substance that means without changing its own properties it carries the properties of drug added to it.

Early morning is best time to have honey. 1 teaspoon honey add with 1 glass of lukewarm water and drink it.

Nutritional Fact  about  honey 

  • Honey is composed of fructose, glucose, sucrose along with water 
  • Honey is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D
  • Honey is also rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium ,potassium

  According to Ayurveda, benefits of honey

chakshushayam chedi tritshleshmavishahidmaasrapittanut


vranashodhanam sandhanropananm vaatalam madhu

  • Honey is very good for the eyes,
  • It helps to relieve thirst and stop hiccups
  • Scrap Kapha
  • Honey reduces the effect of poison,
  • Honey is good for diabetes, and skin disease
  • It is very useful in urinary tract disorders, worm infestations, colds, coughs, bronchial asthma
  • It helps in the quick healing of a wound
  • It soothes a sore throat

Precaution while using honey 

  • Do not eat excess quantity due to its property-heavy rough, astringent
  • Honey should not be heated or mixed with hot water or hot food
  • Don't mix ghee and honey in equal quantities
  • Don't combine radish and honey
  • Do not mix honey with non-vegetarian food
  • Honey should not be used after prolonged exposure to excessive sunlight.
  • Diabetic people need to be careful while using honey

Old honey (purana madhu)

 Honey which is 1 year old or more than that, is called Purana Madhu.

old honey has the following benefits 

  • Grahi- absorbent, useful in diarrhea
  • lekhan - old honey also have  scraping property,  so useful in cholesterol, obesity, balance kapha 
  • Rooksha- dry 
  • Kashaya rase - Astringent in taste

Home Remedies with Honey 

Honey can be used both ways external and internal.

External application of honey  

  • Honey is good for wound healing so a paste of honey and cinnamon can be applied over the wound.
  • Honey is very good for the skin .for acne treatment -mix  neem powder or  turmeric powder with honey and applied over acne 

Internal application 

  • A spoon of fresh honey mixed with the juice of lemon with lukewarm water very good for hyperacidity and constipation
  • Honey with ginger juice is a great remedy for sore throat
  • Daily intake of honey along with water is the best remedy for obesity
  • Mix cinnamon with honey help to relieve itching and indigestion
  • Honey and cinnamon are very good for weight loss
  • Honey can be taken hat night.
  • Honey is good for sleep.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon honey with water and drink it before going to bed


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