Why after delivery care important in Ayurveda As per Ayurveda a new mother should be treated with massage warm bath specific diet and herbal drinks that prevent infection promote vitality and balance Vata. A period after delivery to the commencement of the next menstruation this phase is called Sutik. It derived from the word Prsauta or the mother after delivery. There is a different opinion of this period which ranges from six weeks to six months and some believe that it lasts until the restoration of the menstrual cycle. The ninety days after delivery are considered vital cleansing recuperative periods which mother should take complete rest to regain strength and health of her pregnancy. Ayurveda says 42 days for 42 years is the impact of choices immediately postpartum on health and ability to mother and partner well. Little things can make a big difference at this time. Benefits of after delivery care Rejuvenate and relax the mother Relieve tension and depres